Breaking News
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Info Post

The kind of recognition and impression the name of PRP (Praja Rajyam Party) has created among Telugu people is pretty much known. Though Chiranjeevi failed as a politician in taking the party and his movement of social justice forward due to pressures from different sides, his noble principles and tenets aren’t really blamed by people. Anyways, it is time for pawan kalyan to take the political cue and we hear that Power Star is willing to take forward the closed PRP once again forward by reopening it.

However, a small clarification is needed. PRP here does mean Praja Rajyam Party but it will be Pawan Republican Party. On the other side, Common Protection Force which was established by Pawan long ago will also be accommodated as a special wing of new PRP. An official confirmation and newly designed logo details will be unveiled soon.
