Breaking News
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Info Post

What was the sole purpose of pawan kalyan in establishing the Jana Sena Party? It’s just meant to offer good governance and help the people in need. In fact, Pawan has been fighting against the discrepancies in society in one form or the other. This time, when he bought forward new slogan and new party, his Fans expected a lot to happen. However, Pawan slowly slipped down from their expectations and today he is one more regular politician who sees fun in attacking the opposition leaders. May it be from Congress or TRS because Pawan is now a supporter of TDP and BJP alliance!

The way Pawan is campaigning for these parties in various regions of Telangana makes one point clear that Jana Sena is losing the importance gradually while BJP is fully using the craze of Pawan. If at all, NDA forms the Central Government, we might see Jana Sena merging BJP in no time. Ground fact is that pawan kalyan is exploited to the best by TDP and BJP.

