Breaking News
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Info Post

Trends in film industry are dynamic. Tastes of audience don’t stick to one flavor all the time. It is the duty of directors and heroes to try their best in versatility by building new trends. Currently, there is an innovative phase going on in Bollywood with concept oriented small budget films ruling the roost. At the same time, heroine centric films are showing high success rates. For example, Kangna Ranaut’s back to back hits of ‘Queen’ and ‘Revolver Rani.’

At the same time, Tollywood is relying on the age old masala with commercial elements. Most significantly, director Tammareddy Bharadwaja;s ‘pratighatana’ with Charmi as heroine fared very badly. ‘Our audiences are not openly showing the interest on heroine centric films. I know that ‘pratighatana’ is a good film and reviews are also not so bad but when I made Charmi’s characterization with seriousness, it’s the fault. I would have added some commercial comedy to her,’ Tammareddy opined.

