Super talented Vikram has been out of form post Aparichitudu directed by sensational director Shankar. Vikram films couldn't match the greatness of Aparichitudu and viewers were left disappointed with almost all his recent releases. Now Vikram is working with Shankar again. He is hoping to bounce back with Manoharudu (Ay) directed by Shankar.
Shankar who has tapped the talent of Vikram to the maximum in Anniyan (Aparichutudu) has once again done it for Manoharudu reads the reports from Kollywood. Media persons those who saw the trailer of this film are going gaga about Vikram and Shankar. They say that it is a sure shot blockbuster in making.
Vikram got immense craze in Telugu after the successes of Shiva Putrudu and Aparichitudu. But the actor failed to impress our audience with his films that released after Aparichitudu. Shankar films have tremendous business craze in Telugu market too. We can expect this film to take the box office by storm.
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