YSR Congress party is expected to win around 12 to 15 MP seats in Andhra Pradesh. As there is a tug of war situation among the Congress, BJP and the third front parties to form the government at the center, definitely they would seek the help of regional political parties in the state.
The TDP has become one of the coalition parties of NDA while the TRS head KCR recently revealed that he would not anyway support the NDA at the center. He also made it clear that he would be ready extending his support to the UPA, if there would be possibilities of the UPA forming the government.
According to the political analysts, YSR congress Party is likely to extend its support to whichever the political party that forms government at the center. Although, ys jagan, denied the rumours of his support to the congress party at the center, he will surely extend his support to either NDA or the UPA which form the governments at the center. We need to wait for more political developments to get the clarity.
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